can you believe it? september already!! how time flies.

today i tried a chobani flip yogurt. greek yogurt usually makes me go "ewwww yuckyyyy" and i don't eat it but these chobani flips are quite ingenious. you see they are greek yogurt but you add extra bits and treats so that you don't taste the yucky part. at least that's how i think of it. the one i had was mint chocolate chip flavored. i love mint chocolate flavored chocco late....hauuuu....

feeding oneself is quite the task!! having no job does not help either. i do not want to spend money on anything until i am making money, so i make do with what i have in the fridge. i've been able to get by thanks to my lovely mother and father who give me so much food all the time. at least that is taken care of for now!!

speaking of jobs, i have applied to more places than i can count!! i have applied to customer service jobs, cleaning jobs, tutoring jobs, whatever i can find!! the market is quite difficult for a regular old fish like me. i am, as we speak, waiting for a call from one of these jobs, the first one that has reached out to me so far. the job is a regular sort of cashier/customer service position, it pays decently. there are a couple other jobs i am more inclined towards, but i would not mind this one!! i have been browsing lolita fashion websites and i see so many pretty dresses and blouses and skirts, i need any money to begin my collection. a new hyperfixation takes hold of my mind forever...

great news!! job called me back, and tomorrow i am going in for an in person interview!! the way the manager phrased it made it sound like i was basically hired, which i hope is true. my schedule will be quite busy, with school, work, and playing fun games on my computer, but i will make it work. i have before and i will do it again. Angelic Pretty Sweet Girl Room JSK here I come!!

Angelic Pretty Sweet Girl Room JSK, black and light blue

Angelic Pretty is the brand, Sweet Girl Room is the specific design/pattern. a JSK is a'jumperskirt' which is like a dress but without the full sleeves, sort of overall style? meant to be work with a blouse underneath, as opposed to an OP (one-piece), which is a full dress that is meant to be work on it's own. it's gorgeous and beautiful and expensive...hauuu....want....