hello salmon fans, sockeye salmon here with another blog post

my next show quickly approaches, and with each passing moment i get more and more excited. i get so excited that my stomach hurts and i sweat a lot and i can't sleep. that's excitement right?

the set is based around a movie that is very special to me, the little mermaid! when i was just a little baby salmon i would watch it every day without fail and i had the whole thing memorized. very formative to my development. and it pays off! the song i will be performing is one i have had fully memorized in the back of my mind, and now i can put it to good use. the character who sings this song was also heavily inspired by a drag queen, so i thought it was fitting to perform it in drag. i think by now you can guess what this will be!

i had to buy a few things for this set, so if you are attending i ask you to please bring many dollar bills and to throw them all at me. now that i'm moved out i kind of need money a lot all the time. these anime figures don't buy themselves!!

also, i got the forums working on the website!! hooray!!! it turns out i had made a really stupid mistake when setting it up initially, and only now did i get the chance to go back and review everything. silly me. i have the mental capacity of a slightly above average fish. you should be able to comment and reply to people there. most if not all of you are my friends who i know from in real life, so i expect mostly silly things for now. one day i will have more fans who aren't just my 13 year old sister...

overall, very exciting week so far. i've moved out plenty of my things, i'm out on my own, i have a giant container of mango in the fridge waiting for me. mmmm...mango.....hauuuu~~.....

stock image of a mango.

if mango has one fan, that is me. if mango has no fans, i am dead. i love you mango....