big changes happening in the salmon world. i'm making waves! (get it. because ocean. LAUGH.)

sockeye salmon is moving out!! my previous endeavors included babysitting children, and those children are going back to school soon and therefore do not require me to make them chicken nuggets and play roblox with them anymore. i must admit, i've grown fond of the children i cared for. they are like my own younger siblings and we play outside and make smoothies and then i get paid and go home. it was a lovely arrangement, but now it has come to a close. i wish those children well!!

today i will be gathering my items and moving out. i must fend for myself now! i must find my own zooplankton to eat, and swim in the ocean by myself. i also must do my own laundry! luckily my dear mother and father will not be too far away, and are helping me along every step of the way. despite being a fish, they are both regular people. do not think about it too much.

listen, you and me, we're close. you read my blog, follow my instagram, and most likely are one of my real life friends (because i have no other fans). so i feel comfortable letting you know that despite me appearance of unshakable confidence and unflappable charm, i am quite nervous. there is so much i have yet to learn about the human world, and i've grown used to my life the way it is. quite frankly, i never expected to get this far and i never gave my future much thought up to this point. the unknown stresses me out!! i like when things remain the same, but i also know that if i am to take over the world and become umbelievable wealthy and famous, i must step outside of my comfort zone. i cannot remain a small fry forever!! i must become the great big salmon mermaid hybrid thing i am destined to be. it will be an adjustment for sure, with many joys and tears and fears and wonders. i cannot wait!!

in a similar vein, i will be performing at an event next week on the 23rd! consider it a sort of celebration for my new freedom, as i will be able to perform without having to hide all my makeup and clothing in my car and having to rush home after my performance to make it home early enough. details sure to follow in my instagram, so stay tuned. i am hard at work gathering materials and items for my performance, and practicing. every time i perform i aim to be better than my last performance, and i'd like to have some more props/elements to this one than in the past. i do not want to give too much away, but i hope you enjoy!

closing thoughts for the day: i need to remember to submit a picture for my student ID. i am transferring colleges as well, if that wasn't clear. unfortunately my true appearance is not acceptable to use on a school ID, and i must don my human disguise. truly foolish, look at how professional and scholarly i look here?

image of Sockeye Salmon looking at the camera with a blank expression while clutching a Rei Evangelion plush tighly.

truly of the best pictures of me, really........